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Nine Arch Bridge History and Beauty

Are you aware of the nine arch bridge history? Today we will go through the exciting and famous nine arch bridge story which most of you are not aware of. Further, we will also provide you with some directions to get to Nine arch bridge quickly. We will also emphasize the beauty of nine arch bridge and the surrounding throughout this and will tempt you to visit it as soon as possible.


Nine arch bridge history

The famous nine-arch bridge of the railway in the jungle in sri lanka

This was built between Deomadara and Ella railway stations during the British period. Do you know want to know the local name for this place? Any guesses? It is “Ahas Namaye Palama”. The meaning is the nine skies bridge. Do you know the reason why it has got this kind of a name? It is merely due to its view. Imagine that you are under the bridge. So when you look up, you can see the sky through the nine arches. This is how this bridge got this unique name. Nine arch bridge is made of bricks and rocks.

According to sources, not even a single metal or steel was used to construct this. Isn’t it amazing? How can a massive bridge like this be built without metals? This illustrates the skills of labourers and proud construction systems that Sri Lanka had during that period. The ancient sources reveal another exciting story about the construction of this bridge. It states that the metal and steel brought to construct this bridge were assigned for the World war 1. According to sources, world war 1 suddenly started during that time, and the steel materials were handed over for military requirements.


Beauty and experience

Nine arch bridge beauty and experience

I hope most of you have watched the Harry Potter movie series? Can you remember the bridge towards the Hogwarts? Many tourists and visitors spot some similarities between these two. This is the most critical fact for its popularity. The nine arch bridge is 91 meters long and has a height of 24 meters. One cannot express the surrounding beauty of it in words. Thick jungle from the end, a beautiful agricultural atmosphere from another enhances the beauty of this even more. This is one of the most popular photography sites in the world. The best time to visit this place would be at sunrise and sunset. It feels like you are in heaven. These times would be the best times to avoid crowds too. You can freely enjoy the experience of this beautiful place.


Directions to get to nine arch bridge

First, you need to reach Ella. The bridge is very close to Ella Main Street. From there onwards, you have 02 options. You can either walk towards the bridge or pock up a tuk-tuk. The walk through the jungle will be around 20 minutes, and the tuk-tuk fare is around Rs200. So the decision is yours. But I recommend you to walk towards the bridge as it creates a different feeling. The walk through the jungle will undoubtedly make your journey more exciting and enjoyable.

Nine arch bridge demodara

So hope that you have gained some interesting facts about the nine arch bridge in Sri Lanka. A train passes the bridge about six times a day. So you can make this trip even more interesting if you can visit there at one of those times. You will remember the iconic scene of passing a train while you are the nine arch bridge throughout life. It will remain in your memories forever. So why wait for more? Plan your next trip to nine arch bridge today. nine arch bridge people

nine arch railway-people

nine arch bridge forest

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